Mike Pacitto

The Alternative Strategies Fund was created based on the following fundamental beliefs:

First, Litman Gregory believes it is possible to identify investment managers who will deliver superior long-term performance relative to their passive benchmarks and peer groups. This belief is based on Litman Gregory’s extensive experience evaluating managers and mutual funds on behalf of their clients.  The five managers in this fund were chosen for their specialized and demonstrated expertise, as well as for their complementary, non-correlated investment approaches.

Second, not only do we want high-quality managers, but we want to offer access to them at an acceptable cost. We spent the last couple of years engaged in research to find the right mix of managers we believe can deliver on both fronts.  

Third, this fund doesn’t seek to simply replicate what each manager is already doing elsewhere, but to bring investors additional value-add through flexibility, concentration, and the ability to be more opportunistic.

Fund Name
Litman Gregory Masters Alternative Strategies Fund (MASFX)
Primary Strategy

The Alternative Strategies Fund is a multi-manager fund that combines alternative and absolute-return-oriented strategies chosen based on Litman Gregory’s conviction that each individual strategy is compelling and that collectively the overall fund portfolio is well diversified. This fund is intended to complement traditional stock and bond portfolios by offering diversification, seeking to reduce volatility, and to potentially enhance returns relative to various measures of risk.

This fund will contain many risk-control factors including the selection of strategies that seek lower risk exposure than conventional stock or stock-bond strategies, the risk-sensitive nature of the managers, the skill of the managers, and the overall strategy diversification.

Typically, each manager will run 25% of the portfolio, but Litman Gregory may tactically alter the managers’ allocations to attempt to take advantage of particularly compelling opportunities for a specific strategy or to further manage risk. We will have a high hurdle for making a tactical allocation shift and don’t expect such top-down shifts to happen frequently

AUM (in Millions)
1-Page Tear Sheet
(pdf, 473.28KB)
(pptx, 2.17MB)
Litman Gregory